Bunker Teritoriálnej Radiačnej Hlásnej Siete (TRHS) vybudovaný v roku 1971. V súčasnosti funguje ako prvé minimúzeum TRHS a spojovacej techniky ČSLA na území Slovenska a Čiech. Otvorený bol slávnostne 4.6.2011 V prípade záujmu o návštevu, pošlite mi prosím mail na : om3cu(at)centrum.sk
The bunker of the Teritorial Radiation Reporting Network (TRHS), being
constructed in 1971. At present it has been changed to the first small TRHS
- and communication technology museum of the former Czechoslovak
Army on the territory of Slovakia and Bohemia. The celebration on the
occasion of its opening took place on June 4th 2011. In case you are
interested in visiting it, please, send an e-mail to my e-mail address as follows: om3cu@centrum.sk
The bunker of the Teritorial Radiation Reporting Network (TRHS), being
constructed in 1971. At present it has been changed to the first small TRHS
- and communication technology museum of the former Czechoslovak
Army on the territory of Slovakia and Bohemia. The celebration on the
occasion of its opening took place on June 4th 2011. In case you are
interested in visiting it, please, send an e-mail to my e-mail address as follows: om3cu@centrum.sk